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My Pregnant Pit

20 10:05:48

My 1 year old pit bull she is about to have puppies any day now, I've read that when her temp drops to 98 then she have the puppies in about 24 hours but her temp has been has been at 98 for the last 36 hours, should we just wait or should we call the vet? She was acting weird this morning not eating anything and liking her self alot but we had to leave her to go to work and when we got home she was the same as usual extremely playful and she started eating again.

Hello Allyson:  Your mom-to-be will stop eating a day or two before the pups are delivered.  Her water will break and within 2 hours the first pup will be out.

When to call a vet-

You should let the vet know when a delivery is under way in case of any emergencies.  Just to give the vet a Heads Up on the situation...

Get medical advice if contractions have not begun within two hours of the water breaking, or if a puppy has not emerged after 15 minutes.

Good luck with all.  The vet is there for help, don't hesitate to call them.  Thanks for your questions.