Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > New Amstaf

New Amstaf

20 10:05:16

Dear Marie

We bought an American Staffordshire terrier puppy about a week ago and from what I've heard they are very close to being a pitbull. Now, what I fear is that the dog won't get along with my other dogs. I also own a husky which is my dog (the amstaf is my mom's) and I fear that the amstaf will go and kill my husky or my other mixed breed. As we all know, a terrier has the tools to finish the job. I just fear it. Is there any way I can make sure it'll never happen? I don't see a Stafford expert here and thought you might be able to advise me.


Kind regards

You bring up a puppy with kindness and proper behavior training...
I would suggest your pup get some Puppy Preschool classes - You and your dog take the classes together.
Most Staffies are very friendly and great pets..

Good Training with you ask the Top dog / Or your mom as the Top dog...

You may want to buy a few books...
Good Luck
