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Pit Bull Body mass and weight gain.

20 10:06:32

Well, I feed my dog clovite, is one of these protein shakes better than this?


Followup To

Question -
Where do you get these protein shakes and weights for dogs?  The sire and dam to my dog are massive dogs.  Double bred Chaos and Watchdog bloodlines.

Answer -
I do not know how big you want your dogs to be. Because giving dogs a lot of the protein shakes etc can be bad for the dogs health. However you can find these products at local small pet stores. Weights you might have to find online or just make your own. Like buy 2.5pounds and hand it of a rope and tie it around your dogs neck or something. However just make sure that it is safe.

Good luck

im not sure what clovite is or w/e. However protein shakes may be better indeed, but they are really expensive. Its about $80 for about a litre of it. Which is nothing. You could instead settle with a high protein food like innova evo.

Anyways i hope this helps
