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Breeding of my Pitt

20 10:04:54

I heard that if you breed your dog too early it can stunt their growth..Is this true? and at what age can I breed my female pitt..Thanks

Most dogs are not bred before 2 years of age.  If they are bred too young, the puppies can have health problems, and the mother will not be mature enough to care for them, and may not feed them, or may even kill them.  When a bitch has her first heat at around 7 months of age, she is still a puppy herself, and should never be allowed to breed.  Males age doesn't matter as much.

I would consider why your dog is worth breeding, how will her breeding contribute to bettering Pit Bulls as a breed.  They tend to be overpopulated in most areas, and every dog bred is taking up a home that could go to a dog in a shelter or rescue.