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Pit bulls first litter

20 10:06:03

Our pit bull just had her first litter.  We believe she had 6, but 2 died.  This is also our first experience.  Is it normal for her to pass some blood after she delivers?  

It is normal for dogs to pass some discharge after delivery. This discharge can be clear, greenish, brownish, or may have some blood in it. HOWEVER it should be odorless. If your dog is passing discharge that is foul-smelling, it is most likely a sign of infection and you should contact your vet. It is normal for dogs to pass this kind of discharge in small amounts for a few weeks. If your dog is having a lot of discharge, you should contact your vet.

Honestly, I think you should call your vet and get their opinion of the situation anyway. If it turns out to be something serious, you will know that she needs to be seen. If the vet says "it's no big deal" it will put your mind at ease. Win win either way.