Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > menstrual periods

menstrual periods

20 10:05:32

QUESTION: I have a pit bull little girl and I am not sure when she should start menstruating, can you please answer this question for me?

ANSWER: Hello Marlene- Your girl will come into Heat any time after 8 months old.  This can happen anytime from 8 months to 12 months of age.
I hope this has answered your question.  She can bleed for 22 days ... 2 x per year or 3x per year.

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel

NuVET Plus / The BEST dog vitamin in the USA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Should my little girl have a litter on her first cycle and do they experience pain/cramps?

Hi Marene-  You should wait until she is 18 months or older, if possible.  After 18 months old her body and mind is more mature.
I don't beleive they experience cramps like humans do.  Also, they bleed much longer than a human tends to bleed.  

Make sure you have a mate that is 18 months or older, too.

BEST wishes to you!
