Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > foaming at the mouth..

foaming at the mouth..

20 9:38:07

Our 14 month chocolate labrador is very healthy and actice, however when he goes on a long walk he foams really badly at the mouth, have you seen this before? He has a good regualr diet and is not overweight.
Also we currently crate him when we're out of the house, at what age would you advise stopping crating him? Is it cruel to crate an adult dog?

You might better ask your vet about the foaming at the mouth.

If you seldom have problems with chewing or anything when you are around, you might try leaving the crate door open.  I wouldn't take the crate away from a dog.  If it leads to problems, you can always go back to shutting him in.