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Rolling in misc places

19 18:02:13

He does not have fleas. And I use an oatmeal shampoo to stop skin irritation. I live in Indiana.Do they maybe smell another dogs scent and want to mark their territory? Or what do you think it could be? Have you ever heard of other goldens doing this?

Followup To

Question -
When tank goes on walks he stops in misc places and rubs his face on the ground. Then continues to roll. He did this once and rolled in dog feces. Can you tell me why he does this?

Answer -
Ooh! I sorry that your dog rolled his face in dog feces. Anyway, I think your dog might have an irritation, or something on his face. Maybe fleas. Its hard to tell without being there. IF this continues, visit your doctor. ANd also, it might be the shampoo your using. And I have a weird question. Where do you live? IN CA? Because i know a dog that is named Tank.

No, I havent heard of dogs doing this. Although my golden usually rubs his face on the floor after a walk with the gentle leader on his face. But your case is different, because you dont know the cause. Check wherever he rubs, tell me if there are any red marks or anything minor. And I have a question. Do I give clarified and good feedback? Because im 14 years old.