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3 month old wont go for walks

19 17:59:28

Hi, yesterday I got a 3 month golden retriever. He previously lived on a farm and did all his exercise there, so when I first put him on a lead he didnt know what it was, so he just sat down and wouldnt move, by now he will move around with his lead on but when I go to the gate to bring him on a walk he sits down and refuses to any further, he also whines. I think he might be scared of going out, how do I get him to go for walks on the road with a lead on?

Once they are past 12 weeks old, puppies are much slower to accept new things.  If there is traffic on the road, it could be bothering him too.  You might try things a little at a time.  You can buy what if called a drag line, a short leash without a handle.  They are meant for cases like this.  You let the dog drag it around the house getting used to it.  I would just pick up a cheap leash and cut the handle off.  Keep an eye on him to untangle it is needed.  

The traffic will be more difficult.  Once he is used to the leash, try walking him on quiet streets or other area away from traffic.  He is a little young to be exposing to other dogs.  One sniff where a sick dog relieved itself in the last 6 months is enough to give your puppy parvo or another lifethreatening disease.  Getting it its shots will help, but isn't the complete answer.  Still, failing to get the puppy out will only lead to all kinds of problems, fearing strangers, etc.  

You can try this too.  If getting out in front and coaxing doesn't get a puppy moving, try dropping behind it and running by in baby steps calling ''Go, go, go!'' In a happy, excited voice.