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female in heet

19 18:00:35

How long does the bleeding last? Is there any product I can buy for her backside like pads? How often does this happen?Why don't they make it thru their first heet? Saw in one of the other questions you answered.

If your dog hasn't come into heat yet, the best thing is to get her spayed as soon as you can.  If you aren't going to do the reading you need to to give a female in heat the proper care, you shouldn't keep an intact one.  Doing breeding right requires a major commitment.  

You can buy seasonals, pants with a pocket for a pad.  The discharge usually lasts about 3 weeks, heavier at first, and tapering off.

When they succeed in their desperate efforts to get loose, they can be accidentally bred and become infected.  They can also die whelping.  Or they can get killed in traffic or by coyotes.