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Lumps under skin under last set of teats

18 15:47:03

Hello, my 1 year 3 month old female black lab has developed a lump under her last set of teats, it is about 3x1 inches it is sort of hard and ameks her teat area sag down in that area, she seems to have devloped a second lump this one is under the teat across from this one... its about 1 inch x 1/2 inch, I am taking her to a vet within a week to have her examened, she isn't spayed, I was going to take her to get her spayed within a week but seeing as this turned up I will have to see what this is and cancle her spay for now, I was just wonering what this could be? I'd like to have an idea of what this could be before I take her to the vet, any information you can give me will be helpful, thanks.

It is always hard for me to say specifically what these lumps might be, but in a young dog, it could be a reaction to her hormones.  Some dogs go in to a false pregnancy after a heat cycle and they will actually develop milk in their glands even though they are not really pregnant.  It is due to an imbalance in their hormones accociated with heat cycles.  Ask your vet about that.  Having her spayed before her second heat can actually prevent mammary tumors in dogs.