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abyssinian cat - eosinophilic granuloma

18 15:44:15

Anything new to treat Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex?  Our 18 mo old Abyssinian kitty has lost fur from her underbelly and on both sides of her body.  We are currently giving her depo medrol shots every 4 wks, giving her allergy-free food and filtered water (no plastic, etc).  We are at our wits end, and hope you can suggest something.  She does not have any mouth sores, nothing but hair loss, exteme itching, biting and chewing.

Any suggestions you might have will be very welcome.


Pat Hicks

There is a new drug called ATOPICA that is cyclosporine.  It is a substitute for depo medrol and may have a stronger effect.  For the topical treatment, a similar drug called tacrolimus can be used. Ask your vet about these drugs.

Most cases of eosinophilic granuloma are allergic in origin, so testing and allergy treatment may help.