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Heavy panting dog after having puppies...

18 15:22:36

She gave birth on Saturday and it is now Tuesday.  Is it normal for her to still pant heavily.  Also, her breath smells a bit funny but I figured it was from cleaning the puppies more often than not.  Should I be alarmed and take her to the vet sooner than later.  She is already due to go in on Saturday and I just want to be sure I can wait til then.

You need to take her temperature. It shouldn't be over 102. Normal is 101.5 but she might run a bit hot because of lactating. The main concern is whether or not she has a retained puppy or placenta.
Her breath will smell bad because of eating all the after birth.
Feel her belly to see if you can feel any lumps in there that are larger than what a piece of stool would feel like.
If you find one you should take her in today and not wait.
If she has a retained puppy the vet will have to spay her.