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Pregnant Betta Spedens

23 15:44:57

We have a pregnant Crown Beta Splendens. We put her in the same tank with the male Half Moon Beta for mating. The male wanted nothing to do with the female. The female was chasing the male all around %26 some time during the night she ruined his tail. We separated the fish. How is the female going to expel her eggs? Also, will the male's tail heal itself? Thanks for your input.

Hi Barbara,
Sounds like your pair aren't ready to spawn yet. Keep them separated but also slightly in view of one another and allow each fish to rest for several days while you prep them into spawning condition by keeping the water quality very good, warm temperatures, and a rich diet with supplements of frozen worms, shrimp, ect... The male should have a decent sturdy bubblenest built and the female should be well-rounded with eggs and displaying vertical stripes on her side as a sign of readiness to spawn. If you see these important signs, try them again but watch them closely. Some chasing and nipping is just part of courtship, but if either fish is being made miserable separate them and try again later.

The male's tail will heal itself with clean water and good food.

Best wishes and Happy Holidays!