Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > I need help on breaking in my donkey!

I need help on breaking in my donkey!

20 17:43:18

My name is Nicole i have a 1 1/2 year old female donkey that i can love all over but when it comes to put a halter or a rope halter on her she won't let me get near her. She lives in a 24 hour outside pen with 8 goats.She is very sweet and she loves food (but mainly bread is the treat)i try to give her bread every time she gets closer and just the other day she let me rub the rope halter on her neck and cheek. So my main question is when can i ride her and how do i get her to were i can get the rope halter on her?
Thank you Nicole

Hi Nicole!

Since I have absolutely no experience with donkeys, I recommend you ask this question of another expert on our site, Lisa Kalp.  I am sure she can help you   :)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
