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leo mating?

22 14:41:49

Hello tina, i recently put my male and female leo together and the male's tail begans swishing back and forth at a very very fast pace. Then the female started to move her tail but at a slower pace. Are they mating? Do all leopard gecko's tails do that when mating? They are both juveniles , almost adults. The cage temp is aroung 75-80 degrees. I have had the female for 5-6 months and the male i just recently got. They both seem healthy and they
are both the same size. Also they both are eating mealworms and crickets with vitamin and calcium. Last, how do you know when leos are mating and can juveniles even mate? Any advice on why there tails were like that would be helpful. Thanks for all your help.

ps. They are getting along very well so i don not think the tail motion meant they were fighting.  

Tim,                                                         This is definitely a sign of excitement. Though they do it when stalking their prey also. I don't think this is what this is. Males do this when they are interested in mating. Females respond the same way.... though if she is arching her back at the same time she may not be ready yet. No they will not mate until sexually mature. Good Luck, Tina