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Bearded Dragon skin condition

22 13:35:26

I have a Female (6 months old) she has just complete a sheding of skin and I just noticed a small yellowish pimple (for a better word) on her back.  I have bathed her and the pimple still seems very firm.  It is the size of the tip of a biro pen

Hi Steve,
She may have a little abscess or other problem going on there. One problem can be extremely serious and that is CANV or "yellow fungus disease".  Its very important to have your bearded checked out by a vet so that the "pimple" can be properly diagnosed. There has, for some reason been more cases of this lately which is why a vet is needed.
Here is a link where you can read more about the disease.

If that link does not work for some reason, the information is at: