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Bunny teeth grinding

22 11:14:29

I would like to know how to differentiate "purring" and the pained teeth grinding.  Lately my bunny has been grinding her teeth so hard that her head starts to rock about, but she is in a relaxed position or flopped down.  I was under the impression that pained grinding includes hunching, shaking, and eyes squints.  There is nothing that I can see that may cause her pain, but she is a lop and I have heard that they are more susceptible to malocclusion.  She also just recently bonded with another bunny.  Otherwise her behavior is normal, with the exception that she acts more submissive i.e. head down ears back when  I come home.  Thanks.

Hi Victor,

teeth grinding and 'purring' (which is just rapid teeth grinding) are signs of pleasure.  They can do this while they are awake, and they can also do this when they are dreaming.  Their head goes back and may move back and forth a bit when dreaming, and with lops their eyes may still be open even though they are asleep.  They're just having a good dream.

Teeth CRUNCHING is way different than teeth grinding or purring.  Crunching is very loud, and kind of reminds you of chalk on a blackboard kind of sound.  The bunny most likely will be very stiff and tight and hunched and not want to move, and will be shaking.  If you ever hear it, and I hope you don't, you will never mistake it for a pleasure-based teeth grind or purr.

She probably also is very happy with her new friend, and happy you're back home to be with both of them!
