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Kits not being fed enough

22 11:08:37

I recently asked about whether you thought my french lop was pregnant or not, well she was, she had 6 live babies 3 days ago but now i'm worried about some small ones not getting enough food. There is a runt and a couple of others that don't have sunken stomachs, but they aren't rounded either. Last night i caught her feding so i removed my 3 large ones and let the small ones feed which did work, but i'm worried i'm making the big ones suffer now as well. Do you think the small ones will die if their stomachs aren't sunken am i just worrying too much? shall i carry on letting the little ones feed seperatly if i can catch her feeding again? thanks for your help

You really should not separate them out and let the little ones nurse separate. The doe will only get in there a few times a day and nurse, and by taking out the big ones you are making the big ones miss out on meals. If the little kits are going to survive they will be able to hold their own against the larger ones. Sunken in stomacs mean that they are not eating. If they get skinny and you can see bones, then they are not getting food. THeir stomachs will be expanded and at this size you actually can see milk in the stomach. It will appear to be a different color then the rest of the abdomen on the underside of the babies.
Congrats on the babies anyways.