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rabbits and diarrhea

22 10:44:33

Is there any medication or treatment for rabbits with diarrhea? I have been having a hard time with my holland lop. She's been having diarrhea for 2 months now but she's eating pretty well. We switched her diet a few days ago to only a few food pellets some dry oats and lots of timothy hay. She just recovered from fur mites 2 1/2 months ago so she's in pretty good condition. Is there anything we can do to help he diarrhea?

Dear Kira,

If your bunny is an adult, then what you are seeing is very unlikely to be true diarrhea, but rather runny/mushy cecotropes, as a result of cecal dysbiosis.  You can read about this very common problem here:

The most common causes are incorrect diet:

and, especially in lops (and Holland lops in particular, with their short faces), the pain of undetected molar problems, such as spurs.  Please read:

and please find a good rabbit vet here to help you:

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
