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My Pet Dwarf Rabbit

22 10:12:51

I have a pet bunny that just was diagnosed with having a stroke.  She is 7yrs & 9 mths old.  I can get her to eat some timothy grass and drink some water from my finger tips.  She barely will drink on her own.  I am afraid that she will be getting dehydrated to the point of disaster or starving herself with very little nutrition.  Is there any way to get a bunny the needs to keep her going so that she may get her strength back?  I really care for her and want to believe my vet that she will recoup from this stroke as long as she is eating better and drinking.  She has been leaving her pellets but no urine seems to have been passing through her yet.  I am really worried!  Any suggestions?

Please help.  

Thank you.  


yes, there is something that you can do.  First, get a baby animal bottle from your pet supply store and when you are home, every couple hours, give her a bottle and feed her a bit.  Just give it to her slowly, and watch that she actually swallows, before attempting to give any more.  If you want to put a little pedialyte in with the water that should be okay, unless your vet has told you no sugars of any kind.

The second thing you can do is hydrate her via sub-q fluids (ie under the skin).  This will not help with thirst so much, but it will help to keep the body hydrated, so that it does not pull water from the gut and lead to other problems.  Your vet can easily show you how to do this.

Make sure she gets any antibiotics at regular times and proper doses, if she is on any.  If she is on antibiotics you may want to supplement her with probiotics as good gut bacteria will also be affected.
