Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Leg is hurt

Leg is hurt

21 14:37:58

Do you still remember my sick guinea pig?  I followed you instruction and started to give her oranges.  In the beginning, she ate a little bit.  But, starting from Sunday, she doesn't want any orange.  She also eat only very little food.  The only thing she enjoys is her medicine.  In order to make her feel better, I use the syringe to give her some orange juice.  What should I do now?
Also, I find that her right foot is hurt.  Part of it turns black. I don't think there is a problem with the bones.  Is there anything I can do?  That may be the reason why she is upset these days.

Hi Wendy

Yes I remember you of course. It is important not to give too much orange, just a couple of pieces every few days.

I think you might be right and perhaps she is unhappy due to a hurt leg.

The best plan would be to get the leg checked out by the vet in case there is an infection or anything.
