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Hamster Biting Cage

21 11:03:36

His name is Avery. I'm very scared for him because he chews on the bars of his cage And as he chews on them he climbs them so eventually he ends up upside down on the roof of his cage. Is this normal because I can't seem to find any cases like his anywhere. I found him in an abandoned apartment

Hi Tiara

Thanks for your question.

Avery's behaviour sounds very normal. A lot of hamsters chew bars. Their teeth grow all the time and they must chew to keep them short, Make sure he has things to chew - there should be some hard biscuits in his food - if not he could have some dog biscuits added. You can also buy hamster chews and edible houses and toys that are safe for them to chew (called Snackshak).

If he likes climbing across the top of the cage it is a good idea to put some deep bedding in the cage in case he falls so that it will help prevent injury.

I hope this helps.
