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3 month old English Bulldog Peeing everywhrere

19 11:45:45

My wife and I bought an English Bulldog puppy and he is now 3 months old. We didn't have a problem with him peeing until we got back from a trip to San Antonio. Now it seems he is just peeing everywhere every 10 minutes. What can I do to stop him from doing this. We take him outside to use te restroom and he still comes in and pees.

You don't say where he was when you went away.  It is so easy for animals to get into bad habits or confused.  
Here is what I would do.  I would take him out, and when he comes back in put him on a leash and attach it to your belt.  This way you have the ability to correct him if he goes to lift a leg.   Also, I would have him checked by a vet.  Peeing every ten minutes is not normal.  He may have picked up an infection which will also cause frequent urination.