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2 questions - pooping/play biting

19 11:30:18

I hope you can help me. We're taking our 8-month old Yorkie-poo to training in a couple weeks, but we're a little frustrated right now.

1. He is great about peeing outside or on the pad inside. Likewise, he'll poo outside, but he tends to poo inside near the pad but not on it. I clean up where he goes with spray, and I try to catch him and at least place him on the pad, but he doesn't seem to get it. Plus, he's does it so quickly, half the time I catch him afterwards (that's my fault, not his, obviously). What can we do?

2. He has had a bad habit of play biting since we got him. We have tried the high pitched yelp, spraying him with water, etc. Right now, we're trying giving him a brief timeout in his crate (in a calming way, not in a punishing way), and he seems to come out calmer. Should we continue this? Is this a good technique?

Thank you!

Watch him outside.  He will walk along with his nose to the ground until he finds the right spot, then stop and make his deposit about a foot behind him.  I really don't think pads work.  I guess you could try putting the pad in the middle of a sheet of plastic or other easy to clean surface.

Follow up the yelp with walking away.  Be very consistent about it, and eventually he will quit.