Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > licking of genital area in dogs; excessive licking;

licking of genital area in dogs; excessive licking;

19 9:25:11

My Beagle has been constantly licking her vagina for the past few days.  I can not seem to see any swelling or other wounds - why might she be doing this?

Licking of Genital area in dogs;
Hi Kirsten,  I wonder if she has a urinary infection?  Do you notice a strong odor?  

**females, abnormal vaginal discharge can result in excessive licking.
Causes of excessive abnormal discharge include:
* Bladder infections  ( urinary infections)
* Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) or inflammation anywhere in the urogenital tract
* Urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine)

If this continues, you may need to see your Vet for a Urine test and possible antibiotic.

Sorry, wish that I could help more.

Best wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA