Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > IS IT 2 LATE FOR PEE & POOP TRAINING


20 10:34:32

alright my situation its this.. i have a 7 month old toy miniature poodle he pees n poops outside but my prob its when he stays in my room(thats were he sleeps) and he does it in here to!! but just in one spot though evenso at the beginnin didnt really bother me honestly because it wasnt everyday but now he just goes around a spot and does both things.. he doesnt do it nowhere else though but i now i want him just to do it outside plzz help !! i live in a 2 floor house im not even close to the outside door.. and another thing i leave him some food in the night if i see he didnt eat the last meal in the day?? ive read you dont do that 2 avoid this type of accidents.. i dont wanna crate train him.. oh and another thing i leave him outside when im out for the day so i want him 2 do it in that moment but he sleeps in his bed on my room .. so please help i hope i put all the specific stuff to know if i still can be saved :(

If you are going to solve the problem without going to a crate, you will have to cut the food and water out early in the evening.  Then at bed time, take him out and walk him around to stimulate his body to eliminate.  You may have to carry him out in the morning to avoid accidents on the way out.  If this doesn't help, post back and we will talk about the use of a crate.