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Non-stop panting

20 10:19:55

Hi, I have a 13 months old toy poodle, she has been panting non- stop and keep licking her forelegs for the past 2 days. Other than that she still goes around her routines as normal. She gets very hyper when its time for walk, eats well, sleep well, play well. But there are a few moments when she suddenly barks. Her temperature is normal and she is not overweight. So I'm quite concerned of what is causing her panting.

Hello Axy,
The only thing that I can think of would be some kind of anexity to something.  She could be anxious when you get ready to leave the house, or if she thinks she is going to have to be put in a kennel or pen.  You mentioned when she gets ready for a walk she starts to get hyper.  Either she gets excited about going for the walk or anixous.  There could be something on the walk that is bothering her, or something that she is excited about, such as seeing a child or another dog on her walk.

The licking of her legs could be an indication of itching.  Even though Allergy season is coming to a close, there could be something that she got exposed to that is making her itch or is bothering her.  Check the skin under her leg hair to see if its red or looks irritated.  This could be the reason for her panting also.  She is trying to alert you that something is going on with the skin on her legs.  

If nothing else, contact your Vet (before you go and see them) about this and just talk to them.  They might have an idea of what could be causing this.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,

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