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Concerning Puppy Training/Gromming...

19 17:58:54


First thank-you for all your help in the past.

I have a on training. I am getting my Golden pup Monday, December 22nd. He is 11 weeks old. How long should the daily training sessions be? And how many times a day should I devote my time to train him to come when called, sit, stay, etc?

Concerning this, what should I train my Golden to do first and how long should that specific lesson last (in terms of days)? Should I teach him how to come when called first and stay with that lesson for a few days and then move to another lesson?

My last question is concerning grooming. How many times a week should I brush my dog? I bought a double sided brush (one side is a bristle brush and the other side is a in brush) from JW Gripsoft. I need to buy a undercoat/shedding rake though.

Thanks in advance!,

Hello Ray - Great news on the new puppy!  Here is some help on brushing a new pup...

Care / brushing of a new puppy

How to groom and care for new puppy's coat..

Now as for training : we have some dog behavior experts here:
I suggest you go over her with the training questions..
BEST Of Luck

Go to Sandra for some puppy behavior questions...