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german shepard vomiting

19 17:21:37

I have a one year old German shepard that every time he eats he throws up.  he is not gaining much weight.  i have brought him to the vet twice and they cant find whats wrong with him.  he has energy just throws up everything he eats.  when he throws up its like whole food.  i can hear a clicking sound in his throat when i play with him it almost sounds like fluid sloshing around.  if u have any ideas what this could be i have been fighting this for over a year now. thanks

I think the best thing is to have a different vet look at him.  Although is isn't a common problem with Shepherds, is could be a simple matter of eating too fast.  There are not one, but 2 easy, tested, effective ways to control rapid eating. You can spread the food out on a cookie sheet or something. Some of my friends just throw it on the floor of the crate. You can put large rocks in the food dish, much to big to swallow. Either way, the dog can't gulp down one big mouthful after another.