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8 month old boxer poop

19 15:50:15

I have a 8 month old female boxer, her name is Bella.  We feed her 2 times a day about a cup and a half to two cups of dry dog food per meal.  Bella poops in the morning and it looks normal, then as the day goes along the poop gets softer and softer.  So at the end of the day it is almost diahrea.  At first we thought it was her eating table scraps so we have stopped all table scraps, she only eats her dog food and a few dog treats a day and drinks as much water as she wants.  I don't think this is normal.  Am I letting her out too often?  Is the food going through her too quickly and that's why it is normal in the beginning of the day and watery near the end?  Could this be worms?  Or is this just a boxer condition, i know they have sensitive stomachs, but I'm pretty sure that the food we are feeding her is good.

First of all, she needs a good puppy food.

A all natural, high protein puppy food with NO corn and NO corn glutens.
Research "all natural puppy food" Online, pick one that you can reasonably afford and a dealer near you. PetSmart carries a lot of good all natural brands if you prefer to go shopping at your nearest store.

Feeding her only twice a day is not good. Puppies and dogs are not always hungry when you deem it time to eat and feed. Just as people.

I recommend the self-feeding method to everyone. Especially Boxer owners because Boxers are "grazers."

Keep fresh, all natural puppy food (your brand choice) out with fresh water 24/7. She will eat tidbits as she wants, and mostly at night. This is when they prefer to eat their main meal.

Do not feed her table scraps unless you know what is dangerous for dogs.

There are 7 deadly ingredients. Onions, mushrooms, (anything with those in the ingredients) raisins and grapes, certain nuts, certain sweeteners.

Google this and you will get a good list.

She should have seen a vet for her shots and worming already. If she hasn't, then worms is likely as well as diet.

Take her to the vet for a wellness checkup and explain her poop to the vet. Take a morning sample and a evening runny sample in a baggie.

This will help the vet to see the difference and possibly place a sample under the microscope.

This is also a sign of more serious problems: parvo.

Get her to the vet before she dehydrates or worse.