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Mother and Father Fighting For Kitten

20 14:02:55

I'm Kelsi, and I have two cats. Rexxy and Belle. They just had three kittens four months ago, Angel, Lilly, and Monte. They got into a fight the other day, and now whenever Belle tries to carry a kitten in her mouth, Rexxy comes out and attacks her without claws, and when she drops the kitten, his claws come out, and then Belle attacks him! I don't know what to do with the kittens. Monte's paw got hurt due to Rexxy's bad behavior. I don't think he meant it though. What if he seriously hurts a kitten? What do I do with the kittens? What caused the fight do you think? Please help me before it's too late for Monte, Lilly, or Angel! Thanks, and hurry!
From Kelsi C.

Dear Kelsi,
Rexxy and Belle probably got into a fight because maybe one of your cats accidentally harmed a kitten, so they argued about it. Usually, when the parents get in a fight, one of the parents doesn't hesitate to abandon the kitten, so this is unusual! The kittens are too young to be separated just yet, so take Rexxy away from Belle, and keep him in a separate room, until the kittens are six months. Then switch off Belle and Rexxy to visit and care for the kittens, until they are fully grown adults. Keep the kittens with Belle, for now, remember! I hoped this helped a lot Kelsi, and your timing with asking me was convenient! Thanks for choosing me as an expert! Bye Kelsi! E-mail me for more help. Bye now.
