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cat scared of everything

20 13:49:30


I have a 2.5 years old male Persians cat. As you know they are a very calm breed. He has a great interest of sleeping in bathroom and he always accompanied us during taking shower!
five days ago I washed the napery which we put his food dishes on it. I did a mistake and I shook it once in the air to take extra water from it. From that moment he is scared of just EVERYTHING. one day later I understood that he is afraid of a brush in the corner of the bathroom, I moved it away, but he is still afraid of any small thing that is like that brush : pieces of bread, napkin box, TV remote,... EVERYTHING... his muscles are always constricted and when I take him to the bathroom to show him that there is nothing his heartbeat increases.
Now after 5 days he still does not eat like before just a little amount, he moves and walks in slow motion and stares to an object for few minutes, once he is walking he suddenly jumps up in the air and looks back like someone is chasing him. He looks at everything doubtfully as you see in the image.
He is bothering himself just for nothing. I want to help him but I don't know how.
It has happened before that he was scared of something but he would find it out very soon not five days long.
I will be looking for your helpful answer

In this instance, a cat is like a dog. The things that scare them, they need more of it so they realize that they are not going to die!

I actually have a cat that is almost the same way. I, however, have fun with it and do things on purpose. Mean, I know. :) But it also makes her realize that not everything is going to hurt her and she can relax a little bit.

The main thing to remember when it comes to pets like this, is no matter how much they get scared, you need to relay the emotion that it's NO BIG DEAL. My cat now is at the point where if I do something to scare her, she'll look at me as if saying, "really, are you really being that stupid?"

So, do it. Make randome loud noises and walk away like it's the usual thing to do.

It is actually all related to having confidence issues and the best to help them through it is to expose them to different things and help them build up their confidence.!