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how to keep cat from jumping on stove etc

20 13:51:07

Yesterday I adopted a beautiful little kitty almost 2 years old. She was found as a stray...taken in by shelter who fostered her out for the past 3 months to a woman who let her jump into the sink for water, on counter tops and because the woman rarely cooked was apparently also allowed to jump onto the stove as well.  Since she was allowed to jump free in her *other* home into the sink and wasn't kept from the stove she's already done that here. I'm concerned that she could really be injured by the electric elements while I leave something on the stove to cook.  After all, she has no way of knowing that once she lands it's a dangerously hot.  This could be a hard habit to break but for her own safety it must be discouraged.  I need a permanent solution as I must be able to leave my kitchen while things cook on the stove.  Have you any suggestions?

Hi Vicki,

Congratulations on your new kitty! I will provide two links that will discuss common training techniques.
Kitties need to jump and climb but counter-tops are not appropriate in some homes. High places have offer viewing capabilities.
She is young and has tons of energy, she needs lots of playtime.
Please provide plenty of climbing options, such as several fun cat trees. Encourage her to jump and climb on them by playing fun games for her with cat wand toys.

Some people have had success with a product call SSScat which is a motion detector aerosol that will spray when kitty gets near.
I have never had much success with sticky reverse tape but some people have.
Here are some links with very common options to deter kitty climbing on counters:

Good luck!