Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Male cat spraying House

Male cat spraying House

20 14:05:06

Hello my name is olivia. I am 14 years old and is concerned about my male cats health. First let me start by saying that i have had my cat for about 3 years now(Since jan.12,2005).I never neutered him. Now he is spraying up the house. He sprays on all of my stuff. I constantly have to keep cleaning it up. I want to know if there is a chance that i can still neuter him so that he can stop spraying. Or if i do neuter him, will that actually stop him from spraying. Or is it too late.


Sure you can still neuter him, and that would be the best thing you can do for you and for your cat.

The cat may still spray sometimes after he is neutered but it will NOT have that horrible 'tom cat' smell.

Here is a link for low cost spay and neuter programs listed by state:

I hope this helps.