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can you trani a cat please read thank you

20 13:55:08

hi my name is debra and me and my family are going to get a baby kitten we would like not to have that oder that they have when they do there stuff in the catbox but if we put the catbox outside would the cat go outside to do its stuff can we trani it to go outside


First thing is that you should get 2 kittens not one. They need the companionship, company, and security of another kitten. If you get a single young kitten it may cry all the time because it is lonely and misses it's mama and littermates. They also need another kitten to play kitty games with and snuggle with. Two are easier to take care of than one kitten because they have each other to play with and don't demand so much of your time to keep them company and amused.

A cat (not kitten!) can go outside to go potty but you do need a litterbox inside at night. Night is the most dangerous time for a cat to be outside. And if he/she doesn't have a litterbox available it may start having accidents.

If you use clumping cat litter, and scoop the litterbox out AT LEAST once a day, you won't have a problem with litterbox odor. Also a small kitten doesn't go far to find a litterbox so you may want to have more than one until it gets a little bigger.
