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20 13:58:45


I recently adopted 2 persian kittens (8 weeks old), one female and one male, and both are siblings. The female is very outgoing and playful and likes to play with us since the first day we got her, but the male is very the opposite. He does not like to be picked up, or even touched or cuddled. He always tries to get away from us even if we are not touching him. he seems that he does not like us that much. He hides under furniture and chairs where he is not reachable. The moment he sees any of us coming towards him he runs away. He only enjoys playing with his sister or alone.
What can I do to make my male kitten more outgoing like his sister?



If you adopted them then, even though they are siblings, they may have had different fathers so they will have different behaviors. A cat can have a kitten from each father that bred them during their cycle.

If the one kitten has a feral parent then that behavior is typical. Ferals do NOT like to be held or petted for very long. They have an inbred distrust of humans, and it takes quite a while for them to come to trust you.

8 weeks is still very young, and everything is new to him. Give him time to acclimate himself to his new home and owners. Don't force him. Be patient.

Food is a great bribe. Give the kitties kitty treats, like tinned sardines (in oil), tuna, etc. so they associate you with pleasant things.

Also getting a pet laser light is good for interactive play. It helps build confidence, and also helps with the bonding process.

Give the kitten time, he will come around.
