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Aggressive behavior in my cat

20 13:55:57

We adopted a rescue cat from a shelter almost 2 years ago.  At first, he was agressive and would bite but we learned each other and he has stopped until about 6 months ago.  He is allowed outside to roam and prefers staying out all night (we live in the country).  Some mornings, when he comes into the house, he demands to be petted a lot, and will run in front of you to stop your walking past him, and will even bite you if you try to step around him, even after you've spent several minutes stroking him.  I've scolded him and immediately picked him up and put him outside because he's even bit my children.  How should I handle this behavior.


Letting a cat outside at night, especially in the country, is the most dangerous time to do so. There are many 'creatures of the night' and predators. You have been lucky so far. If I were you, I would switch to letting him out during the day and keeping him in at night. He also is 'jazzed up' when he comes in in the morning which adds to making him act as he does.

I would get a rolled up newspaper and when he starts running in front of you and tries to bite I would 'bop' him with it and loudly say "NO!". It doesn't hurt the cat but the noise scares them. When he stops then gently pet him. If he starts it again, repeat. Cats go by association and soon he will associate the running in front of you and biting with the rolled up newspaper and should quit the behavior. You want to wait a little while and always pet him. You want him afraid to continue his behavior, but you don't want him afraid of YOU. Some cats are stubborn and sometimes it takes awhile to break a bad habit. Always be consistent with training. Don't let him get away with it even once, because then he knows he can...and  will. He has found that behaving the way he does gets your attention which is what he wants. And when something works for the cat they will keep doing it. And don't feed him until he calms down and behaves. Don't let him associate that behavior with getting fed. Remember, it's all in association and habit with a cat.
