Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Agressive or Sexual Behaviour

Agressive or Sexual Behaviour

20 14:05:39


We have 3 males, Alfie who is 3ys 6mths, and neutered, and two brothers Frankie & Geordie, approx 6 months and just getting big enough for the "chop".

Alfie, has had two other house mates since living with us, Jack who was a few months older and neutered, he decided not to come home one day, and Tilly, a few years younger, spade, a victim of an RTA.

With all cats Alfie has occasionally behaved strangely. He will suddenly sit very upright, and make a sort of yowling noise and then after a few moments bite the other cat on the back of the neck.

Do you have any idea if this is dominating behaviour or sexual behaviour?



For some reason that is common behavior of some neutered male cats when they reach about 3 years old. They start acting in a sexual manner even though they have been neutered. The cause is usually a female in heat in the neighborhood. A cat can smell a female through walls from several blocks away!

Some people report that their cat behaves as yours does and bites or mounts a cat mate, some cats will hump stuffed animals, dogs, and even people's legs.
It is just a response that some cats have to sexual stimulation.
