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kitty 3 months old

20 14:06:24

hi we have a new kitty - and we have been walking with her out in the courtyard as he runs around....just last night she found the hole in the gate that goes outside our apartments....AND HE LOVES GOING OUT FRONT!!! he runs and runs and plays....but i am afraid of kitty getting hurt or someone not liking kitty and hurting him. kitty is so fast that i cant stop kitty from going out front and i dont think it is right to keep him indoors all the time...he is so wanting to play outside
any comments????????

kitty also goes wandering into the neighbors apartments
i dont want problems with the neighbors....any suggestions???
thank you for your help -


The first thing I would do is fix the hole in the gate yourself and any other place he can escape through.

I would put a break-away collar on him with my address and phone number taped to it in case he does wander off. But collar train him inside first before he ever wears one outside.

You can also leash train him. Here is a link on how to do it that is very good:

If you want to spend some money here is a link for a safe way to go outdoors:

Another idea is to get your kitty a friend that he can run and play with in the house. All kittys needs a kitty friend to do kitty things with and to snuggle with.

And get him toys to play with so that he won't be bored when he is in the house.

Hope this helped.