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Cat crying over stuffed toy kittens

20 14:04:44

My female 5 yr. old cat is crying and leading us to an area where she has two toy kittens and she lays on them and cries.  She is doing this over and over.  She dragged the toys to a protected alcove and keeps crying over them.  What is going on?


Anytime a cat cries extensively and has obvious changes in her behavior you should take the cat to the vet for a checkup. She is trying to tell you that something is wrong. She may be in pain somewhere and the toy kittens are comfort to her.

Also, Like people, cats get emotional problems and get depressed.  Speak to the vet about a prescription for 'kitty Prozac'. It will help calm her.

A kitty friend about her same age and temperment would help her if she is lonely, bored, and depressed. Kitties need a friend to play with, cuddle with, and comfort them. If it's not a medical problem, that may snap her out of it.

Play with her more and give her lots of love and attention. That should help too.
