Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > not really a question

not really a question

20 13:59:11

First let me say that you have been very helpful to me when i have had questions, and i read your posted questions because i do learn things from others questions.
I am just concerned that you advise people to swat at a cat to stop play biting and scratching.  I read somewhere, and it has worked for all my cats (4 past and present), that it is better to just stop moving your hand.  The cat is just hunting your hand, and a quick and easy kill will lead to boredom.  As for jumping on counters, a not very stable pyramid of soda cans (lots of noise) or sheets of aluminum foil (they dont like the feel on their pads) have worked very well.  Cats seem to get smarter with every generation...they know when your not around.  Anyway, I must thank you for volunteering your time and effort to help us fellow cat lovers.


Thank you.

Swatting with a rolled up newspaper is mainly for the ankle biters and scratchers. The noise scares them more than anything. Some cats are more stubborn than others and the more conventional methods don't work with them. Sometimes you need to be more forceful (but never hurting them) to get the point across that you won't accept their behavior.

Your suggestions for the counters are good also. It's whatever method you find that works best to deter your cats.
