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Cat wont use litter box!

20 14:05:12

So I have two cats, a 8 month old and a 9 year old cat. I just inherited the 9 year old cat due to my grandmothers death. It used its litter box fine before. However now that it lives with us, he sometimes won't use it. We use the exact same kind of litter that my grandmother used for 9 years. We have two seperate litter boxes one for the younger cat and one for the older. We also have a open litter box for him because he is a rather large cat so he has plenty of room. This is also the same style of litter box he had before. My question is what are some tricks to get him to use his litter box 100% of the time. He just will randomly pee on the floor, but sometimes he uses his litter box. We clean them everyday as well. Any suggestions will be useful! thanks!



Your cat's problem has nothing to do with the litterbox. He is having separation anxiety and is suffering from stress. That is how he is showing it.

9 year old cats don't take stress and new things as well as a younger cat. They can have behavior problems (one is what you are seeing now) or make themselves ill.

The cat is suffering from grief (yes, cats grieve) from the loss of his owner. He is suddenly put in a new home away from his familiar association. He has new cats around him to get used to. Everything is different for him and he is unhappy and confused.

You should put him in an area by himself with food, water and a litterbox to let him get used to things slowly. A whole new home is overwhelming. Let him get acquainted with your cats. If your cats hiss and growl at him now that will only add to his stress. Maybe walk around carrying him after awhile so he can see the things around your home safely.

He may think he was a bad kitty and that is why he was taken away. If he gets near a door he may bolt out and try to find his owner and his old home. I would put a collar with your address and phone number on him in case that happens.

Spend a lot of time giving him love and reassurance. Put him in your bedroom if possible so he has the comfort of someone around. Let him decide on his own time if he wants to explore. The vet can also prescribe a form of 'kitty Prozac' on a temporary basis until he settles in to calm him. There is also a spray called Feliway (ask a vet or at PetSmart) that is a cat calming-spray that is very popular and highly recommended by the people that have used it.

Just have patience with him. He is approx. 52 years old in human years and his whole life has changed. Give him lots of kitty treats too. Food is a great bribe! It will take some time, love, and attention but he should be OK.
