Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Cat pees outside of litterbox

Cat pees outside of litterbox

20 14:07:06

QUESTION: Hi there,
My cat is 3 years old now and he's trained since he was 4mths old to use litter box but sometimes he pees outside the litter box on the carpet. His litter box is cleaned all the time and there's no smell at all. I still don't understand whey he keeps doing it. I am getting really frustrated.


I know it can be very frustrating.  Is your cat neutered?  One of the most common 'peeing outside the box' problems is caused by spraying males who are not yet neutered, having them altered usually solves the problem.  If he is already neutered it is likely behavioral, has anything in his life (or yours) changed recently?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My cat is neutered. Nothing really changed recently. His litter box is clean all the time but he chooses not to pee in it. I dont know how to stop him from peeing outside the box.

Hello again Sara,

Is he declawed?  Declawed cats often have litter box issue's but it is odd that it has started all of a sudden.  Do you have any other cats?  The first thing you need to do is take him into the vet for a thorough check up to rule out any medical problems, especially a blockage, males often get blocked by crystals in their urine and they can start to associate the pain of trying to urinate with thier litter box which causes them to start to go elsewhere.  This is what I would be thinking at this point if there has been absolutely no changes in his life.  Blockages can be very serious but are easily detected by a vet.  

If all medical issue's are ruled out the next step is to try a litter called 'cat attract' it is 98 percent guaranteed to work and since they offer a money back guarantee you can't loose.  Let me know how it's going, and hang in there!
