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Monty is a Monster!!!

20 14:04:57

My lovely well trained, gentle cat has turned into a monster!!  Since he turned two he has started defecating on my bed, my parents bed, spare bed and the dinning room carpet. I keep his tray really clean and he uses it 90% of the time.  He is a large cat and so he is unable to use a covered tray and he does find it tricky sometimes to balance on the edge of the tray because he is heavy (I have had problems finding a tray big enough to accommodate him.) But he generally seems to have no problems using it in that respect.

The other bad behaviour he has developed is chewing and biting things.  Particularly power cables and blinds.  He is an indoor cat, but he does go out into the garden supervised.  Even then he doesn't do much but sit on the patio.  I thought he might be bored and have bought countless toys and play things which he has little interest in.  I have even adopted a second cat hoping this would help, but Monty just ignores him most of the time. If I catch him chewing I scream/shout/clap or bang to stop him but he just continues without even stopping!  

I'm really at the end of my tether and I'm petrified he'll hurt himself.  He is such a lovely cat and I just don't understand his actions.  Please help!  


Here is a good article on chewing electrical cords: (copy and paste the whole link into your address bar)

Squirt bottles make a mess, I've never used them. I just scare the bejeeses out of the cats if they even think about going near a cord. Then of course I love on them a few minutes later so they aren't scared of me, just of going near a cord. And I've never had a problem with it.

Your cat is definitely upset about something and his defecating improperly is his way to show it. Can your cat see any stray cats that he can't get to? If he is territorial that would upset him if he can't defend his territory. Is he upset about the new cat? Are you playing with him and giving him the same amount of attention as you used to? Sometimes you have to be a detective to figure out what is upsetting him.

Have you taken him for a vet checkup? His behavior could be caused by a medical issue and not a behavioral issue. Is he neutered?

If your cat wants something to chew on an excellent thing to get him is a raw beef rib bone. Give him one periodically for a treat. Most cats love it and the fibers in the meat cleans their teeth. I go to the supermarket and have the butcher cut the beef ribs in half.

Pet laser lights are a good interactive toy to keep him from being bored. You can get them at PetSmart or similar stores, or even Safeway has them. They are great for interactive play and 'hunter' type cats can 'hunt' the little red 'bug' on the walls, ceiling, and floors. Just don't EVER shine the light in their eyes.

Play 'throw and fetch' with your cat. Get some furry stuffed mice or shiny craft balls that come in a package at Wal-Mart's craft dept. or a craft store. My cats love to just carry them around when I get tired of throwing them!

Try getting a plastic storage container like the under the bed kind for a litterbox. They are much better than the small regular litterboxes. That may help. Also make the litter deep for him.  

Here are some good links to articles about improper elimination that you may find helpful: (copy and paste the whole links into your address bar)
