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Why cat hates water

20 14:07:57

About cats and dogs. I heard that their body language is the cause of their fights. It is their tail position. Tails pointing upward means good to the dogs, while bad to the cats. What do you think?

Then when I look a cat with the tail points upward, does the cat have bad day? But that cat purrs when I touch him.

Thank you,

Frans Indroyono

Followup To

Question -
Dear Rosie,

Do you know why cats hate water? Do I torture the cat if I bath them? And why cat and dog are fighting?

Thank you,

Frans Indroyono

Answer -
Hello Frans,

My theory on why cats hate water has to do with their insatiable need to maintain their own smell.  I think it offends them to bathe them because then you're washing away all their hard work in bathing themselves.  I have a firm belief that cats do not need water baths.  If you ever encounter a kitty that has a difficult time bathing themselves, you can get unscented baby wipes and wipe them down, and I've found that not only do kitties LOVE it, but it really goes a long way in cleaning a kitty up in the least offensive way to them as possible.  (To answer your other bathing question: I don't think it's torture, persay, but I definitely hold firm to the thought that it causes them a great deal of unnecessary stress.)

As far as cats and dogs: it's a basic personality disagreement.  If you think about it, for dogs, the sun rises and sets on time spent with their owner.  While, with cats, you have the extremely important need for time alone and privacy.  Dogs have very little concept of privacy, and thus interrupt a cats' private time and space quite often, which causes a very basic disagreement and annoyance to the cat, and a great deal of frustration and confusion to the dog.  There are other things as well, but that is definitely the main disagreement in personality that the two kinds of animals encounter with one another.

Hope that answers your questions!  If you have any others, feel free to write me again!  :o)


Hello again!

Nope, a cat's tail pointing up when it sees you is a kitty hello and a sign that they are happy to see you.  It's more just general personality differences between cats and dogs that is the problem.

Hope that answers your questions!  :o)
