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Cat Sleeping Query

20 13:56:13


I recently purchased a cat bed for my senior aged cat. The reason being because he used to sleep in the middle of the room on the carpet, or in an uncomfortable looking corner of the room, near plug outlets and electrical extensions. However, I am continuing to experiance problems in getting him to sleep on his new bed. I have tried a few techniques, like giving him his food near the bed so he becomes more aware, however, I've had no luck so far. Are there any tips on how I could train him to sleep on his new bed? Thanks.


Cats sleep where they want to. It may look uncomfortable to us, but to them it may no be.

I would try spinkling some catnip on the bed.

Try putting the cat bed where the cat is used to sleeping (in the middle of the floor, or the corner of the room by the outlets). If he sleep in it there, then you can try moving it later.

Pet the cat only in the the cat bed for awhile. Make it a happy place to be for the cat.
