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Instinct vs Learned Behavior

20 14:08:24

Hi, I am a Science teacher and we have recently been discussing adaptations in class.  I am wondering if a cat's cleaning behaviors are learned or instinctual behavior.  Thanks for you help!  

Hello Jenny!  

I have to say, first of all, that I think it's spectacular that you're a teacher, and a Science teacher, to boot!!  I've always been crazy about Science, and it all started with my 6th grade Science teacher.  He was amazing.  You being on here and asking that shows me that you are the same caliber of teacher!  That's so great!  Just wanted to add that in there.  :o)

To answer your question, I have always been of the opinion that cleaning behaviours are purely instinctual.  The reason behind this conclusion comes from being around many, very young kittens.  My own cats, now just over two years of age, were separated from their very neglectful mother at about four weeks of age (because of her neglect), and they have always had excellent cleaning habits.  I never had to sit and teach them anything along those lines.  In fact, I never really had to litter train them, either.  I just put them in the box, and they did their business there from that point on.  I believe that's instinctual as well.

Here's what I think is behind the whole thing, from my experiences of having various ages of kittens (along with different mommy personalities to go along with it).  Cats seem to have a natural desire to be pristinely clean.  If you watch a cat, you'll see that if it gets even a tad bit dirty (even from eating) it will sit down, and mostly  likely take a full-body bath right then and there.  

The kitties I have right now weren't even cleaned by their mother as they came out of the womb (I was there when they were born), so I know their mother didn't teach them anything about how to bathe.  And, add into the mix the fact that I didn't teach them anything about bathing either, it lends to the thought that it must be instinctual.

As far as how and in what fashion they bathe, I believe it's mostly what positions are most convenient with the body structure they have.  

As far as the mention I made about litter habits, cats have a natural instinct to bury any trace that they've been in the area (as they are partially prey as well as them being mostly predator).  So they have this natural inclination to dig and bury their urine and feces, and thus actually very much prefer going in a litterbox, as opposed to carpet or other flooring.  I've even had cats that prefered a litterbox and litter over going in natural dirt!  That's one reason why most of the time when a cat has an inappropriate urination problem, it's a health issue, and not a behavioural issue.

Well, I hope all that information helps to answer your question.  If you need anything clarified, or have any other questions, feel absolutely free to write me again!  I just love having the opportunity to contribute to a Science class!  :oD

Hugs to you and your class(es)!!
