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Cat dropping things in water bowls

20 13:58:48

So my cat has recently started dropping things into his water dish.  Every
morning when I wake up there is a different toy in each bowl.  And once he
drops the toys in there he wont drink from the water.  He has fresh water
each day and fresh food each day.  He has nothing that he needs or wants for
in his life.  Why is he doing this, and what can I do to stop it?  Am I doing
something wrong?


Your cat is bored and is keeping himself amused. (Or he was a raccoon in another!) He needs a companion to play kitty games with and to keep him occupied. A cat should have friend for company when you are gone and he is alone.

Get a pet laser light that he can chase the 'little red bug', or toy stuffed mice you can throw or he can bat around, etc. Things to keep him amused and tire him out.

Another thing you can do is give him his own bowl and put some little plastic ping pong balls in it and let him play in the water with them. You can also block the drain in your bathtub and put a couple of ping pong balls in there to chase and bat around. They love that.

For fresh water, let the water drip in the bathroom faucet. Cats LOVE to drink out of there. My cats always have fresh water in their bowls but they prefer to drink most of the time out of the faucet.
