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Male Cat Wants Out

20 13:54:48

HJI:  We have a 7 year old male (neutered) orange tabby cat.  He has always been an indoor cat, but lately he seems consumed with getting out any open door. If we leave the front door at all ajar, he will find a way to pry it open and the great escape is on.  He stayed away overnight, but did come back once.  He will lay on the fllor, clawing at the bottom of our front door, and has ruined the weatherstripping.  He walks around the house wailing, and is anything but freindly with us or our other cat (spayed female Siamese).  He had his little nose severely out of joint for a while two years ago when we first got the Siamese, but that pretty much passed adn they have reached a level of tolerance for one another that usually works.  Any idea why he wants out so badly now, and what we might do to alleviate the problem of having to sneak in and out without his escaping?  thanks. \, Dennis


Your cat probably showing the common signs of a strong male mentality that many neutered cats begin to show anytime after usually 3 years old. Some start later as yours appears to be doing.

Even though the cat is neutered, and an indoor cat, he can smell a female in heat somewhere in the neighborhood as is reacting to it. Some neutered males will start humping other household animals (cats or dogs), owner's arms or legs, and even stuffed animals. It sounds like your wants to outside to "Tomcat". He is behaving as if he is not neutered. They cannot do anything physically, but they can mentally.

I would put a break-away collar on him with your address or phone number on it in case he gets out and gets lost looking for a female.

Do not punish him, he is not being a 'bad kitty', he is just reacting to Mother Nature. Try to distract him when he behaves like that with either food or an interactive toy. A pet laser light is great for that.

His behavior should stop when there aren't anymore females in heat.
